How to be still.

Stillness in a physical sense is as important a function of tension release and self-nourishment as any quietening of the mind may be. It is the letting go of endeavour, the ceasing of striving, the release into a grounded serenity. This deliberate slowing down or letting go of activity is just as effective in easing the minds turmoil as mental techniques of calming and self-soothing. So just stop a moment, still yourself in a moment to moment experience of not having to do, of simply being – of simply being still.

Just stop what you are doing and don’t move about for a few moments, have a time out. You can stand still, lean on your spade, sit calmly, kneel quietly, hold that downward dog or even play statues. Just stop. It’s something we gardeners often neglect to do. Just stop doing, let your physical self come to rest, restoration is here in these quiet time-outs, inner peace may manifest or thoughts may arise, if so, they can be acknowledged and allowed to pass on, the aim here is to just rest the body, to centre the self in some moments of not doing. It doesn’t have to become a meditation to quell thoughts, daydream if you wish, survey the delights of the garden, hear the bird song, make a wish, just let your body be.

Yes, we can use managed stillness in attaining rewarding meditations, yes, we can use perfected meditations to slow our anxieties or quickly transport us to an enriched sense of self, but simple time outs are just as valid. Yes, a stillness can be a prayer, yes, a stillness can be a recharging of your energies, Yes, it can be a gathering of your thoughts or a letting go of your woes, it can be many things the trick is to do nothing and let the something happen without effort. Stillness is acceptance, stillness is loving kindness, stillness is yes.

About The Holistic Gardener

author of wellness books, columnist, keynote speaker.
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1 Response to How to be still.

  1. Over Soil says:

    Oh the privalige to manage stillness (someone help me with the spelling of that word privilage, privialige, come on… ) and to attain (got that word right though) peace, in spite of external influence, internal ponderings and all captured within the human frame.

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