mindfulness and cognitive therapy books

Seeds of mindfulness – is a book all about how to cultivate more nurturing and mindful moments and achieve healing neuroplasticity through the garden.  From how to weed and plant mindfully, to how listening to nature can rewire our brains, to how a barefoot moment on the lawn can detoxify mind, body and spirit. Explore and discover the gifts of the garden .

Seeds of Mindfulness: 101 Mindful Moments in the Garden, by Fiann O Nualláin offers readers and gardeners alike tools for making this idyllic pastime deeply enriching and rewarding. The author of By Time Is Everything Revealed (also published by Ixia Press), shares his knowledge of gardening and mindfulness practices to help readers tap into the many benefits of the two popular interests.

Gardening is a natural provider of mindfulness and well-being. It relieves the stresses of the modern world, enlivens the senses, focuses the mind, energizes the body, opens the heart, and radiates from the soul. It offers gardeners the opportunity to experience awe and wonder as well as satisfaction, self-fulfillment, and grounding. In this delightful book, Fiann Ó Nualláin compiles more than 100 meditative gardening tips and reflections into segments such as “To Weed Mindfully,” “Cultivating Calm,” “Do More of What You Love,” and many more to help readers combine spiritual practice with this calming hobby.

Beautifully designed and split into easily digestible bits of wisdom, Seeds of Mindfulness will have gardeners, self-help seekers, and mindfulness practitioners’ rejoicing with these enlightening and inspired teachings.

All good book stores and online retailers.

available to order today at –

Seeds of Mindfulness


By time is everything revealed  is a book about how to live more mindfully and indeed more fully – inspired by old Irish proverbial wisdom and woven through with cognitive behavioural therapy and positive psychology techniques.

Proverbs stand the test of time because, as we explore their meaning, we find they contain timeless wisdom that can help us lead happier, calmer and more meaningful lives. As familiar as grandma’s wise words as comforting as familiar idioms, they are the life strategies passed from generation to generation, they are the ancestral advice for this and future generations.

By Time is Everything Revealed contains fifty-two proverbs – one for every week of the year – each carefully chosen to speak directly to the worries and stresses that have become part of modern life. The author unlocks each proverb’s meaning and combines it with a mindfulness exercise to offer a new set of tools for mindful living, psychological wellbeing and spiritual awareness.

European Version with Gill Books

Available to purchase – https://www.gillbooks.ie/mind-body-spirit/by-time-is-everything-revealed and in all good bookstores.

Read an extract</em> http://bit.ly/by-time-change http://bit.ly/fortune-extract http://bit.ly/sow-reap

American version with Ixia press
Available to purchase – https://store.doverpublications.com/0486834301.html